Activities and competencies
APS is a leading Manufacturer in the Electronic Market. Since 30 years we design and develop dedicated tailored solutions with the highest technological innovations and competitiveness.

Of qualified / certified products according to the industrial scheme defined together with the customer (Mature Low Cost)

APS after market team ensures dedicated repairs
Dedicated Electronic Solutions
APS is here to provide answer to your needs
To design and manufacture Equipements / Systems that are references in the market, APS has set up a simple, efficient organization associated with standard quality organization (EN/AS 9100, ISO 9001, PART 21G, PART145).
A sustained R&D policy with input from European partnerships, together with a constant technological monitoring, position APS in a leading role in dedicated fields.

APS research and development organization
High skilled engineers and technicians in Open Space Organization:
- Software and Hardware development (Design, test and certification)
- Electronic and Mechanical CAD
- Safety, reliability, analysis
Skills in extreme environment conditions, Aerospace & Defense activities Electronic Laboratory:
- Preliminary design and simulation: Spice, PSIM
- Calculation : Matlab, Mathcad
- Tests : Climatic ovens, EMI,…
- Power supplies, Test Benches
APS has a wide range of engineering know how to design the most appropriate and performant solution
Market served